Welcome to TimeStitcher
A stitch in time saves nine
Let's see how TimeStitcher
manages your "stitches" (notes)
so efficiently that
it keeps up with your brain
and saves you time.
Press the Play button
to start
The window is empty.
Let's write our first stitch!
Type "This is my first stitch"
The stitch's name appears in the List
Type "===" on a new line
This creates a new stitch
The stitch name updates as you type it
The stitch name updates as you type it
The stitch name updates as you type it
Additional lines in the stitch don't appear in the left pane
Great, we have created a few stitches
Great, we have created a few stitches
and seen how TimeSitcher keeps them
yet accessible at once in the same screen.
Great, we have created a few stitches
and seen how TimeSitcher keeps them
yet accessible at once in the same screen.
Now, let's navigate and search through them.
Click on a stitch in the list
to scroll the stitch into view
and move the cursor
to the start of the stitch
Click on a stitch in the list
to scroll the stitch into view
and move the cursor
to the start of the stitch
Click on a stitch in the list
to scroll the stitch into view
and move the cursor
to the start of the stitch
Click on a stitch in the list
to scroll the stitch into view
and move the cursor
to the start of the stitch
Use the Up and Down arrows too
Finally, let's search through the stitches.
We want to find the word "first".
Finally, let's search through the stitches.
We want to find the word "first".
Only the stitches containing the
specified text
remain visible.
Click in the Find Stitches box
or type Ctrl+F (or Option+F)
to start a search
Start by typing an "f"
as this is the first letter in "first"
This highlights the first "f"
It also hides the last stitch
(only the first 2 of the 3 stitches are now shown)
since it does not contain an "f"
Continue typing the next letter in "first" --- the "i"
Great, we typed "first" and it is highlighted in yellow.
Now we want to see the next occurrence.
Use the Down arrow to find the next occurrence of "first".
Use the Up arrow to find the previous occurrence of "first".
Press RETURN to exit the search.
Press ESC to exit the search and
return the cursor to its starting location.
Thank you
There will be more to come soon.
May TimeStitcher
indeed be
the Notepad that keeps up with your brain